
Sri Ram Matric Hr Sec School

About Sri Ram Matric Hr Sec School

Our school “Sri Ram Matric Hr Sec School” is located in Boomisamuthiram - Kambainallur, Dharmapuri District of Tamil Nadu, India.

We shall provide the best of academic inputs, create an environment for continuous learning and research, train young men and women in holistic development of their personality, and use technology effectively in education and research such that these people lead fulfilling lives with personal humility and professional will.

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The child is made to acquire knowledge,develop the powers of reasoning , judgement and to prepare oneself intellectually for a Mature Life.


We provide excellent education by adopting innovative technology. The tranquil environment assures our students a peaceful learning experience.


Sri Ram Matric Hr Sec School has acquired an excellent reputation for outstanding academic results and commendable development of manifold skills in children.